FAST Agile Beacons

A FAST Agile Beacon has a story to tell about FAST - and is now a shining beacon in the community for the next wave in agile and agility!

This Beacon certificate is awarded for writing up an experience report of your story, having it selected by your other FAB peers, and having it posted here.

Have a story to share? Contact Us

James Shore

Experience Report: A FAST Way To ScaleWay To Scale


Per Beining

Experience Report:
Going FAST - When Scrum is Slowing You Down

Quinton (Ron) Quartel

Experience Report:
Self-Organization Eats Agile at Scale for Breakfast

Self-Organization Eats Agile at Scale for Breakfast.pdf

Paige Watson

Experience Report: The Origin Story of FAST

Ariel Pérez

Experience Report: Stop Working On Islands As Engineers